Friday, October 16, 2009

Introduction to my figments and reality

The thought behind the name of my blog comes from topics floating around in my head all the time as I try to separate out figments of imagination versus reality. The world is full of figments. They range from the character Figment at Epcot Center to the varying thoughts on science and the whole world of politics. I loved the character Figment and his counterpart Dr. Channing. What you see, hear, feel and touch can be manipulated and they all contribute to the land of imagination.

You can look at things multiple ways and come up with different interpretations, depending how something is analyzed. The reality parts comes from trying to look at it from all sides instead of from one direction. Is a figment of truth reality? Yes, but calling an animal with a striped tail a skunk does not make it a skunk. The skunk conclusion comes from the assumption that a stripped tail means skunk, but the observer makes the conclusion without all the facts.

Unfortunately, people attempt to portray figments of imagination as reality for all to consider. At times those figments are obvious distortions but most often they are partial truths with layers of opinion intermixed or photoshopped craziness. I am a firm believer that if it sounds outrageous, it probably is distorted. The level of distortion becomes greater as the topic becomes more important to us unless we deal with the facts or original document. This is most evident where the left and right or liberal and conservative political thought is discussed. I am neither left or right, conservative or liberal, libertarian or green. You will find me in the middle somewhere getting beat up from all directions for my lack of full agreement on any political topic.

In my blog, I'll attempt to keep it as full of reality as possible. Unfortunately, any attempt to analyze things has a tendency to create it's own distortion, but I hope to be able to use and other locations to avoid making unintentional errors. Feel free to post errors you think I make but I will check out your post for errors too. It will be a nice, friendly way to keep all of us as honest as possible.

It will also cover other trivial things going on that I find facinating, irritating or humorous. That is what is great about blogs. I hope someone actually reads my blog but then it is meant as a way to have some fun.


  1. welcome to the blogosphere, sir.

  2. This going to be fun or frustrating, depending upon how people post to this. Either way, it will be another journey and practice of my writing.

  3. I think u should write about what people said before they started saying that people who are missing- "went missing" -- It drives me crazy
