Monday, November 9, 2009

Vanishing English in Business

Thanks to Cheryl for this topic.  It is an interesting one for those that read or converse as much as we do each day.

Today, my boss, the controller and myself were having a discussion....... HOLD IT RIGHT THERE.  How many times do you see "send that to myself when you are done",  "the second quarter results delighted both the CFO and myself.” and the ever infamous politcal speech

The other candidates and myself agree on this issue.

Both John and myself have plans in place to solve this problem.
Myself should not be used there.  It seems that many people forget to use the simple proper "I" or "me" in speech and written letters.  The same thing applies to yourself when it should most often be "you". 
The correct use is described at this link.

Correct use is very limited, for example -

Use myself to reflect back to an I earlier in the sentence:
I would like to take that question myself. (I . . . myself)
I myself instituted a similar program. ( I myself)
I can speak for myself. (I . . . myself)

Maybe the people think that speaking in this manner makes them look smart, or maybe they think it makes them appear to be unbiased bystander.  This is really common on the edutainment shows such as Maddow, Olbermann, Hannity and O'Reilly.  It is also common on the blurbs announcing news events on our nightly new - Stay tuned to John and myself.......

A related but different topic is that there are words and phrases that should be banned from our normal business vocabulary since they are used wrong, cliches, or just plain over used.  I'll start the list and let others add to it.

Manage Expectations
Paradigm shift
Individual contributor
Circle back
Engaging a customer - why not just talk to him or write an email

Stay tuned while Cheryl and myself edit all the posts........

1 comment:

  1. If one day I could complete a business day without hearing "reach out to so and so (I can no longer simply call them?) and, engage so and so (we can no longer just have a conversation with all parties participating?)" I would consider it a productive day. And, for myself (LOL), it seems that back in the day we knew more after 5th grade grammar than most college grads know today,,thus the omnipresent fillers such as "reach out,,,engage" instead of just TALKING. The written communication is just as bad. No wonder the country is in such a poor state of affairs.
